I had been putting off getting my AWS certification, specifically the AWS Solution Architect Associate test, for a long time. I eventually passed the exam using a step-by-step method and earned my first cloud credential. I wouldn’t say it was simple, but it wasn’t very challenging either. So, in this blog post, I’ll explain the step-by-step process I used to pass the AWS Solution Architect Associate certification exam.
The main reason I’m writing this blog is that most of the questions I received after getting certified were about how I passed the exam. In this blog post, I’ll show you how I passed the AWS Solution Architect Associate exam using a step-by-step method.
Which AWS certification Should I start?
The first question that will cross the minds of people approaching the AWS certification is where I start and how I go about studying, preparing, and finally passing the certification exam.
I started researching the available certifications from AWS when I initially decided to pursue the certification. Most internet users are advised to begin with an AWS Cloud Practitioner certification before moving on to the other certifications. Here is how I see it.
If you have a technical background and some familiarity with the cloud, start with the AWS Solution Architect Associate certification instead of the AWS cloud practitioner. I assure you it is not difficult if you plan well.
Taking the AWS cloud practitioner certification may be helpful if you’re one of the people who want to switch jobs to cloud technologies but lack the necessary technical expertise. It is also suitable for those in leadership roles who don’t handle the technical part very much and need a high-level awareness of how AWS functions. Since it’s a beginners course for the AWS cloud, it’s perfect for college grads searching for technical jobs in the cloud as it won’t test your understanding of complex AWS services.
So if you are planning on doing a cloud practitioner exam, follow this course and you should be ready to go.
Now that you decided which certification is best for you, let’s look at how you can pass the AWS solution architect associate certification exam.
How much time is required to study AWS Solution Architect Associate certification?
Initially, when I prepared for the AWS Solution Architect Associate exam, I believed that one week would be plenty to complete the studying and proceed with the exam. However, when I began to learn about the aws cloud, I understood that it could not be finished in a week. Since I work full-time, learning while having so much on my plate is not the smartest idea.
So, on May 5, I decided to take the certification exam on June 12, and I scheduled the appointment. But as the exam date got closer, I realized I still had a few things to go over that I had either forgotten or not reviewed well. I then changed the exam date to June 19 and passed on my first attempt.
So in essence, it took approximately a month and a half, spending 1-2 hours each day while still working on my regular job responsibilities, and also spending time with my family. Therefore, you can set the exam for 45 days from now.
Schedule the exam right away.
For me, once I see the deadline and pay for it, I automatically begin studying; otherwise, I would keep putting off studying and wasting time.
Once you’ve decided to go for the AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam, if you have full-time work and need time to prepare, One and a half months will be plenty, so schedule the exam on a date that is 45 days/6 weeks from now. You may schedule the exam immediately. The nicest part about the schedule is that if you feel that you are not yet ready, you may postpone the exam three times. However, you must make the schedule adjustment 24 hours before the exam; otherwise, you cannot postpone.
If you’re lucky and have some spare time, 30 days may also be sufficient for you. Ultimately, you will be able to concentrate and get ready for it once you picture the aim and goal in your mind. So just schedule the exam by clicking here.
Is AWS certification difficult for Network Engineer or Software Engineer?
I come from a Networking background, and when I looked into getting the AWS certification, I realized that it required more than just networking knowledge, I also needed to learn about compute, databases, storage, etc. As a result, I continued putting it off. Of all the technologies, I was only beginning to feel at ease with the VPC, which focuses mostly on network-related topics. Similar to this, if you are a software engineer, you could be comfortable with databases, three-tier architecture, lambda, and other concepts, but you might struggle with networking.
I do have some good news for you, though. At first glance, you might believe that the exam is difficult to pass, but as you study more about the topics, you’ll find that it’s not that hard. The AWS Solution Architect Associate exam only covers a portion of the AWS services; it doesn’t go in-depth on all of them. Therefore, if you are a network engineer or software engineer, start studying AWS instead of continuing to skip. Be patient; it won’t be too tough, but it will take some time to absorb new information into your head.
What resources did I use for AWS certifications?
There are many resources available; if you’ve looked for “AWS solution architect associate exam” on Google, you’ve probably seen plenty of ads specifically targeting this topic. Therefore, this is what you should do.
important part is to stick with the metrial
Do not follow every piece of information that you find online; I have seen that many individuals, like myself, start with one course and then go on to other ones and never finish the whole course. As a result, you will keep looking for information and waste time.
You can keep your existing AWS material and finish those if you already have them. I purchased Neil’s Udemy course, which covers all the exam-related topics. I didn’t buy any further courses.
After finishing the course, I purchased this practice test, including about six practice exams. You will be confident to take the real exam if you consistently score 80+ on all practice tests.
These practice examinations are not dumps; if you follow them exactly, you will obtain a 100% score. Rather, it is designed to help you feel more confident while taking actual exams. It also illustrates, with steps and examples, why a specific answer is correct or incorrect. After the first attempt, the next time you take the practice exam, rather than memorizing the answers, you will know which one is correct and why.
How to go about and get a consistent 80+ on the practice exam?
As I previously stated, these are not dumps. According to the practice exam course description, you must score 80+ to take the test.
I finished Neil’s AWS Solution Architect Associate exam course and immediately began the practice exam. However, I only received a 56 percent on the first attempt, I was disappointed, and it made me think this was not good.
However, I didn’t give up. I started looking through the incorrect answers and the questions I had flagged for later review.
I started studying those particular areas for the topics in which I lacked confidence (the majority of the incorrect answers came from those, in my case, especially databases).
I then proceeded with a second attempt. This time I scored 70. I used the same strategy, and instead of achieving 80 or higher, I was able to go on to reach 90 or higher on the subsequent 6 tests, which made me appear confident on the exam
The practice examinations need time, so I advise allocating approximately a week to it and ensuring you give 100% dedication.

What to do on the exam date?
Make sure you run the practice tests one final time. Don’t spend too much time learning new subjects. You will be able to pass the test if you consistently score over 80. Also, ensure you are not irrationally responding to questions during the exam. Take your time, make sure you comprehend the question, and then provide your best answer. If you are unsure of your response to a particular topic, flag it for future review. You are free to review your responses after responding to all the questions.
That should be all, and if you followed every step I outlined precisely, you should be able to get your AWS Solution Architect Associate credential.
Good luck with your AWS certification and I wish you all the very best.